Importance of Trees in the Ecosystem

Importance of Trees in the Ecosystem

Did you know that trees are the biggest plants and longest living species on earth? Well, now you know. Trees have been very vital and vital giving humans and wildlife essentials for survival. Trees naturally supply us oxygen, stabilize the soil enabling food to grow, give life to the wildlife and store carbon. As the world advanced, trees offered more necessities like tools for trade, medicine and shelter. As the world evolves by the day with new technological advancements and innovations, the value of trees has continued to increase with more uses being discovered to meet emerging modern needs.

This article outlines the various benefits of trees that you need to know for you to treasure trees, plant more and strive to be a conserver of trees.

Trees counter Climate Change - Climate change is brought about by increased build-up of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air. Trees help to get rid of the carbon and stores it then release the oxygen humans and animals need for survival back to the air.

Trees clean up the air – trees absorb pollutant gases such as ammonia, nitrogen oxides and ozone among others and this also absorbs bad odor emitting fresh air. The trees filter the bad particles from the air and trap them on their bark and leaves. Trees also absorb dust helping emit fresh air.

Trees stop water pollution and soil erosion – trees prevent rainfall water from running off and carrying all waste and pollutants into the oceans, rivers and lakes. Instead, the water flows down to the roots of the tree and below the earth where it is filtered naturally and then directed to the different water bodies. When it rains and water flows down the slopes, trees slow the speed of the water and hold the soil preventing it from eroding.

Trees assist in cooling temperatures when it is hot – trees offer shade to our gardens, streets, homes and release water vapor into the air. This helps break heat from building up.

Trees and nature help in the healing process of patients – research shows that patients who have views of nature including trees from their windows tend to heal faster. Children with mental conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have been said to show decreased symptoms when they are subjected to nature. It aids their concentration levels while reducing mental fatigue.

Trees promote economic opportunities – various income generating activities are created from the planting of trees such as fruit harvesting, craft wood, landscaping, green waste management among many others.

Trees offer a home to wildlife – the wide range of tree species offer a home to different animals and wildlife. Top on the list are oak and sycamore trees that offer home to bees, birds and squirrels. Different wildlife also gets shelter under trees when it is hot.

Trees are a source of food – trees provide food for human such as a wide range of fruits like apples, mangoes, passions among many other foods. Wildlife and birds also get food from trees.

Trees conserve energy and save water – when trees cover a home, they reduce the amount of energy used to offer air conditioning during hot summer weather to cool homes. This also reduces on the carbon emission to the air. In addition, the shade from trees reduces on evaporation form water bodies.

Trees shield humans from UV rays – trees reduce the amount of exposure to ultra Violet rays and this helps protect the skin from skin cancer particularly to people who spend many hours outdoors.

Trees differentiate the seasons – just by looking at the trees, one can tell what the season is whether winter, summer, fall or spring. Trees tell it all.

Trees offer space for retreats and bring people together – trees offer a conducive environment for humans to go for retreats and outdoor nature walks, picnics. Tree planting sessions also bring different groups of people of varying ages, gender, culture together promoting unity, togetherness and community involvement.

The above mentioned are just but a few of the numerous benefits trees have to offer. The next time you think of cutting down a tree, take a moment to appreciate the immense benefits the trees give. Take time to transform your neighborhood by planting trees around you and create your own small natural paradise.

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